Tuesday 14 May 2024

Auntie Pam died

Some sad, but not unexpected, news this week. My Aunt Pam, the youngest of my dad’s sisters has died, aged 91. Aunt Pam was certainly my favourite aunt when I was growing up. I always liked to spend time with her, and she seemed to be the member of the Rayner family that my mum was closest to. My dad was the eldest, followed by Joan and then, some years later, by Pam. The two sisters were lovely people and helped enormously after my mum died. Aunt Joan and her husband (Uncle Don) were the noisier couple by a long way, always kind to me, always great fun, but could be a little overwhelming. Aunt Pam and her husband Ken were both quiet, but no less fun. I also enjoying playing with their daughter Carole when I was smaller. Aunt Pam always had a dog, at least one cat and various other animals – rabbits, guinea pigs and, for a few years, a sparrow called Gavin, which was a rescued fledgling and lived in the house (a proper house sparrow). She was the last of that generation, which is sad and a little bit chilling because I am the generation closest to the end of the conveyor belt of life!

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