Thursday 18 July 2024

High-tech ice-cream

I’ve just had an old person’s run-in with technology. Margaret and I were in Cambridge to look after Julia, Aureliano and Florencia while Lucia received her doctorate. Carlos and Nidia had come across from Ecuador to see the ceremony. 
We met up outside King’s College first thing and we hired a punt on the river to amuse the children while the ceremony took place. 
They very much enjoyed the experience. We were punted by a chap called Ben, a student at Edinburgh and a former King’s, Ely student. 
He gave us lots of interesting history about the colleges and the children listened politely, but definitely became more alert when there seemed the risk of running down a duck or Ben bumping his head on the low bridges. 
Afterwards, they were all dining in King’s College (including the children) so Margaret and I were able to look around the shops and have some lunch. 
It was a scorching day and also my birthday, so I thought I’d treat myself to an ice-cream from this posh ice-cream shop. 
We went in, there were four people behind the counter and no-one was making eye contact. 
We spent a minute looking at the different flavours on display and talking about what I’d have and still no-one made eye contact or asked if they could help. 
Eventually I said: can anyone get me an ice-cream? 
The answer was that you have to order it on the screen. “Can’t I just tell you what I want?” 
“OK forget it.” 
“No, no sir, I’ll help you.” And the chap came around from behind the counter. “Press the screen to start, now select the ice-cream you like.” 
“I just want a cornet”. 
“OK, there are three sizes, which would you like?” The middle one was a ridiculous £7.45, but it was my birthday so I thought I’d push the boat out. 
“Now select the four flavours you'd like.” 
“I only want a cherry cornet! OK, this is ridiculous. I just want an ice-cream and you can’t just make one for me.” 
Point made, I left the shop ice-creamless. I’m all for technology, but only when it serves a useful purpose. This seems like a solution looking for a problem that doesn’t exist. 
We used the park-and-ride to get to Cambridge and we’ll probably do it again, now we’ve discovered it. Trumpington park-and-ride is just off the M11, it’s free to park and the buses run into the city centre every 15 minutes. They cost £3.50 return.

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