Friday 20 April 2012

This is why the Met gets into trouble

The Metropolitan Police have been heavily criticised this week for a couple a racist incidents. Officers were filmed during last year’s riots racially abusing a black man and there was also an incident where a black man trying to assist the police had been tasered by a trigger-happy officer.

It’s hard to think that such attitudes still exist within the force, but on the train to London the other day, I overheard a conversation between a Met detective and two women where he was racist, homophobic, sexist and stupid all within a couple of stops. He may be a dinosaur (I hope there are not many left like him) but he certainly demonstrated why the Met keeps getting into trouble.

The conversation started with a discussion over retirement and the detective was keen to put his feet up. The job wasn’t the same and he had a story to demonstrate his frustration. He’d been called to a hotel where a woman’s bag had been snatched. He asked to see the manager and when the manager (a woman) arrived, she’d told him she was very busy could he wait half an hour.

I agree, that was not a helpful attitude and he hadn’t taken it well. He’d wanted the CCTV and said he’d told her she had a right to help him – it was her right. I wanted to tell him that perhaps she was obliged to help him – she had an obligation – but, of course, I didn’t.

He couldn’t believe that she was being so unhelpful and he had clearly had words because she’d asked him for his number. He made a joke about her wanting his number – she wasn’t even that good looking, he said. Then he said how stupid she was for thinking he had a number; he was a detective, where was his number?

Then he explained the whole thing by telling the women that she was from eastern Europe – what did you expect.

This led on to a rant about the Border Agency, which is filled with foreigners.

He had a difficult job, cases were impossible to solve. People were reporting things stolen in order to claim on insurance. He’d had a case recently where a gay man had been to an underpants party, where the only thing you were allowed to wear were a pair of underpants. This chap had been enjoying himself in a dark corner with his friend when his £40,000 watch had been stolen. A man was seen leaving in a hurry, but the joke was that because all you could wear was underpants, where had he hidden the watch? Maybe it was up his bum?

If you’d been a victim of a crime, the last thing you’d want would be for this chap to roll up. If you were white, perhaps you’d have to listen to a rant about why the country had gone downhill; if you were black or gay, the best you could hope for would be to be patronised. It was quite depressing

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