Saturday 28 January 2012

A poorly dog

There’s no sight as sad as a poorly dog – and Gravel is not very well at the moment.

It started last Saturday. After his walk across the fens, he was licking his right back paw. I couldn’t see anything wrong with it, but it was clearly bothering him even though it looked fine.

He was OK on Sunday; in fact he had a really good run. On the way back, he seemed to find a second wind and disappeared into a patch of corn that the farmer has left as cover for pheasants. He was in there for about 15 minutes while Holly and I stood waiting like a couple of spare parts.

I knew he was in there because I could see all the way round it and knew he hadn’t run out; also a pheasant would rise in alarm every minute or so and I’d catch a glimpse of Gravel’s head popping up from time to time.

Gravel in the garden
chasing a ball.
Eventually he came back and went back on his lead at the big hedge as good as gold. I thought his foot was fine, but that night we spotted that he was licking it again and it was a little raw between a couple of toes. Margaret put some Savlon on, but next day it has swollen substantially and she took him to the vet.

The vet wasn’t able to see anything, but put Gravs on antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs and told us to come back on Friday. Poor thing felt very sorry for himself and he’s been struggling with one of those high head collars which stop him licking it, except that I’ve discovered he’s able to stretch his leg out, curl around and give it a good lick. He’s been bashing it into the furniture all week.

Margaret went back today and the vet said the infection still hadn’t cleared. She can’t see anything (thorn or cut) but replaced his collar and told us to keep up with the tablets and she’d see him again on Monday. If it’s not better then, she’s suggested keeping him in and examining him under a general anaesthetic. Fingers crossed that he makes a recovery over the weekend.

Update: Gravel was at the vets today (30.1.12) and didn't need to be anaesthetised for further investigation. His paw is still swollen, but less so - hopefully, he'll just get better. He still has a head collar for night time.

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